The LORD Is Our Deliverer

“Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.” ~ Psalms 34:19KJV

We will have difficulties, trials, and even some failures. But we don’t stay down, we pick our self up, dust our self off and keep on going because the LORD is our help, He will deliver us out of all troubles.  Once there was a young man testifying in church, he stood up and said, “Please pray for me I’ve only been saved a few weeks but I’ve fallen down so many times already that I’ve lost count.”

An elderly gentleman got up next and said, “Unlike this young man I’ve been saved for 70 years and have never been down.” Then he sat down.

After the meeting, the young man found the elderly gentleman and said, “Sir, I find it incredibly hard to believe you’ve been serving the LORD for 70 years and have never been down!”

“Oh,” replied the elderly gentleman, “I’ve never been down because I’m either up or getting up!”

The moral of the story is, if you get knocked down, don’t stay down, God is for you, He will deliver you out of the many afflictions and trials that life will toss your way.

Heavenly Father, please deliver those today who are hurting. Provide a job for the one who is job hunting, finances to the one who is in need. Give your peace to the troubled and wisdom to the distraught. LORD to the one who is hooked on drugs or alcohol rebuke that spirits of addiction and destruction that want to destroy them. Give sight to the spiritually blind and show them the way of righteousness. Let all things work together for Your glory and for their good, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

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