Speak Up

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy. ~ Proverb 31:8–9NIV

There are many injustices in the world today. A mother can murder her baby in her womb, and the world shouts women’s rights. Children are sex trafficked all over the world, and we turn a blind eye because who can really do anything to save them? People are enslaved. The poor are exploited. Widows, orphans, and the fatherless are all forgotten and thrown aside by society, but is this the desire or will of God?

One small voice can easily become a roaring sea of many voices. All it takes is one pebble (one person) to create a ripple in the sea (society). The Devil knows this, so he fills your head with lies that you could never do anything to change the world and strikes fear into your heart that you will be silenced and/or rejected for speaking out. The lies of the enemy only come in like a flood because he knows that one person can change the entire world. He knows that one voice can change the entire course of history.

So, be brave and courageous. Stand strong on and in the love of God and know that He is with you. Know that there is nothing that is impossible for those who believe and have God on their side. Walk in faith and not in fear, for you weren’t given a spirit of fear but of love, power, and a sound mind.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Speak Up.

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