A Prayer

105 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. ~ Psalms 119:105

What the Psalmist is saying is that God’s word is like a flashlight that is used in the darkest of nights to shine on an obscure path that is shrouded in shadows and gloom and is hard to see. But the light from the flashlight shines on the path and illuminates the way for his feet to safely tread on the way that he is traveling.

Have you ever had days that seem darkened by trouble or the past? Is your mind crowded with things that steal your peace? Maybe it is a project at work that you are responsible for, and it is not working out the way you need it to. The deadline is quickly approaching, and the boss is breathing down your neck for results. The pressure is on, and the time is short; your path looks dark. Maybe it is a monetary problem. Your bills are stacking up, and the bill collector is calling, and you got passed over for the promotion at work. The path looks dark ahead.

Or maybe there is a conflict at work or in your family. Words are said, accusations have flown, making things seem more difficult and more concealed than they really are. Remember that God’s Word is a lamp to your feet and a light to your path. Pick up His word and have a read. Read an encouraging devotional that will remind you of the Power and the grace of Almighty God. Nothing flusters Him. Nothing fazes Him. He is as consistent as His Word that will light up your path. So, do as the song writer said and have a little talk with Jesus and tell Him all about your troubles. He will hear your faintest cry, and He will answer by and by because you mean that much to Him. He loves you and cares about you. He died for you and took the chastisement that brought you peace. So, go to Him; He is waiting.

Father, Your promises give me hope in times of trouble, and your faithfulness keeps me when I’m weak. Who, then, is like You, oh LORD my God? Strong in battle and faithful in love. There is none that I can compare You to, none that is Your equal. Be with me and my family today; guide and lead us, I pray. Be with all those who read this prayer today, and harken unto their needs. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

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