Be a Witness to the Light

16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him. 18 Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God. ~ John 3:16-18

Jesus’ one purpose was to save mankind through His shed blood on Calvary. Through this one righteous act, Jesus would save the whole world if we would only believe in Him. If we would only come to Him and accept His free gift of life. It’s not for no reason that people should serve God. Jesus has promised great and mighty promises for His people. And to receive it, all you have to do is to believe, and you will inherit the promises of God.

So, what exactly do you have to believe? That Jesus is the only Son of God. That He gave His life so that you might live. Then you have to do two actions; repent and accept Him as LORD and Savior. That’s how you are saved. That is the essence of salvation. It’s so simple. All of the heavy lifting has already been done for us. Why? Because it’s not God’s will for any to perish, but that all come to acceptance.

God wants everyone saved, yet many will not be saved because they refuse to believe that Jesus is LORD. Jesus just doesn’t fit their own preconceived ideas of who God is or what God stands for. It’s also because they refuse to give up their own wants and desires. Self-love has consumed so many lives. Another reason is because they refuse to repent of their sins. Some refuse to repent because of shame, others because they don’t believe they have done anything wrong. But the root cause of the rejection of Christ is because men love the darkness more than they love the light. Why? Because darkness has become like home. It’s where we’re comfortable and oddly feel safe. It’s where we can dwell in our sin without feeling shame or regret. It’s where our flesh can thrive. But this darkness only leads to more darkness. It only leads to death.

God’s desire is that we come out of this darkness and into the light which is life. This is why Jesus came to earth as a baby. This is why He set off His Godliness and became a man. He understood what was at stake. He understood that He was the only one that could save mankind. Therefore, we, who are Christians, should follow Christ’s example. If we have loved ones who are not serving Jesus or have not accepted Him as LORD and Savior, then we should be down on our knees day and night with tears and pleas of mercy for them. Today is the day of salvation; tomorrow is promised to no man. Don’t wait for fate or for them to make the decision on their own. Take it before the Father. Take your prayers and pleas for their soul before the Throne of Grace. As you pray, quote Scripture over them, declaring freedom from whatever is holding them back from repenting. Stand in the gap for your loved ones.

Peace. Love. Go Forth and Be a Witness to the Light.

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