God Given Authority

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. ~ Genesis 1:26KJV

From the very beginning, God’s intention was to create a world where His most prized possession (man) would have dominion or be in control. The earth is the LORD’s and everything in it, but He has given the authority or the rulership of earth to man. Now that man possesses this vested interest in the affairs of earth, God expects him to take dominion over all the jurisdiction that He has given him and to bring all of creation under the subjection of Almighty God. It is, therefore, our job to ensure that all of God’s creation obeys His rules and regulations and to bow at His throne.

But man gave it all up in the fall, and it fell into the hands of Satan, which he made very clear to Jesus when he told Him that all the kingdoms of the earth were given to him and he could give them to whomever he chose. But the good news is that Jesus bought it all back for us on the cross and gave it back to us again. Jesus came with the sole purpose of dying for mankind and giving them back life and life more abundantly.

During this time of the year, Easter time, we remember the suffering that Jesus went through. We remember the cross that He died upon. We remember His death and resurrection. We remember all of the great promises He has made to us; like when He promised us, “Ask whatever you want in my name, and I will do it.” So, what are you waiting for? Call those things that are not as if they are; you are in authority upon the earth. Stop acting like a second-class citizen. You are a child of God, blessed and highly favored.

Throw your hands up and praise God now for your God-given authority. Then fall on your knees and change your circumstances through prayer.

Father, I come in agreement with every prayer that is of You and ask that You would not only hear but that You would answer as well. That You would change the circumstances for the better for this brother or sister. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.

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